Sunday, April 15, 2012

Shaking our world


Activities: Mini-Poster, BrainPop Video, Music Video
Topics: Earth’s Layers, Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics, faults, Earth’s interion, Volcanos

Earth has four layers: inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. Crust is the layer that we live on, under the Crust is mantle; mantle is liquid, made of molten rock. Outer core and inner core is under the Mantle, Inner Core is the hottest layer.

Earthquake is cause by transform boundary and faults; if earthquake happen undersea, it may cause tsunami.

Activities: Prediction Map, Demonstration Lab.
Topics: Convection Current, Tectonic Plates.

Convection Current is the movement of the molten rock in the Mantle layer, molten rock gets heat from outer core which can rise it up, but when the molten rock reach the crust, the crust can make it cool, makes it going down, like a circle. Convection Current makes plates move.
Activities: Photographic Evidence
Topics: Convergent Boundary, Subduction Zone, Divergent Boundary, Transform Boundary, Fault Zone, Earthquake, Tsunami, Hot Spot.

Convergent boundary is two plates come together, can create mountain. Divergent Boundary is two plates pull a part, and transform boundary is two plates slides past each other, can cause earthquake.

Critical Thinking Question:

I agree with the theory of the plate tectonics, if you look the sharps of each continent, you will find out they seems were together. At first, there was only one continent called Pangaea, after many years, Pangaea separate into several parts.

The Scientists has found the rock record in edge of two continents seems similar; this is one of many evidences of the plate tectonics; another evidence is the fossils on different continents are same, it shows there was the same kind animal live on one continent.

1.      What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

The part that I enjoyed the most was work with other people, because I can learn and help each other.

2.      What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

The most challenging part for me was to finish work on time. Because it was too many work.

3.      What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

I learned how to do references.

4.      Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I will spend more time on the project. Because I feel like I didn’t have enough time to finish the project.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Native Language
Spring tide
When the water level of ocean is very high and very low.
Neap tide
When the water level of ocean is equal.
Attraction of water on Earth, cause by the moon.
Lunar revolution
The moon goes around the earth.
High tide
When the water level of ocean is high.
Low tide
When the water level ocean is low.


Tides are water level of ocean; there are two types of tides; spring tide and neap tide. Spring tide is when the water level is very high and very low; neap tide is when the water level is equal. Tides are happen two times a day. High tide is when the water level increase, low tide is when the water level decrease. Tides are cause by gravity of the moon and lunar revolution. During the spring tides happen, the phase of the moon is 1st quarter or last quarter. When the neap tide happens, the phase of the moon is new moon or full moon.


Critical thinking question

How is earth affected by movement?

The Earth is affected by its movement; the rotation of the earth cause day and night. The revolution of earth is the earth goes around the sun, it takes 365 or 366 days; the earth revolution cause the seasons, spring, winter, summer and fall. The revolution of moon goes around the earth can cause tides.


1.      What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

The most part I enjoyed was making the video and work with group, because we had a lot fun.

2.      What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?

The most challenging part for me was to make the video, because I am the only person who moves the pictures.

3.      What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

I learn working with a group is better than working alone, and fun.

4.      Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.

I should be less absent, because this project was moves too slow.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Geologic Time - Quaternary Period


Quaternary period is the youngest period of the Earth. It is 1.8 million years ago to the present. Quaternary period has two epochs, the Pleistocene and the Holocene.
This is when the human race started.


1.    What did you enjoy most about this project?

I enjoy finding pictures for this project.

2.    What was most challenging about this project? Why?

The most challenging part is to find the pictures of rocks. Because it took long time to find.

3.    What you change about this project and why?

I don’t want to change anything, because I think it’s perfect.

4.    What are 3 things that you learned from the project?

I learned when the human race started, when the ice age happened, and I learned how to make references.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Star is a giant ball of hot gases. It is made of gases.
Stars have different characteristics; they have different color, temperature, luminosity and size.
There are four types of stars, White Dwarfs, Main Sequence, Giants and Super Giants. 
H-R diagram is a chart that scientists use to classify stars by their types, sizes and temperatures.

Nuclear fusion is two hydrogen molecules become together to a helium molecule, this is how stars make energy. 
Stars are born in stellar nebula, and then become three types of star, sun-like stars, huge stars and giant stars. Sun-like stars go through red giants, planetary nebula, white dwarf, and finally become black dwarf. Huge stars go through red super giants, supernova and become neutron. Giant stars go through red super giant, supernova, and become black hole.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


File:Mars Valles Marineris.jpeg

Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun.

Distance from the Sun is 228 million km.

Mass: 6.4185×1023 kg.

Diameter: 6794 km.

Rotation: 24hr 37min 23sec.

Mars has two moons.

Mars is terrestrial.

Mars is the 4th planet from the sun. Mars has two moons. It takes 24hr 37min 23sec to rotation, and takes 687days to revolution. Mars is made by rock.scientist think mars is the only planet similar with earth, they think human may move to mars.

4th planet
time of rotation is smiler with earth

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hurricane Irene

1.       What time of the year do hurricanes occur? Why do they only happen during that time?
Hurricane happens only in the summer, because the water is warm in the ocean in the summer.
2.       How can the timing of the tides (high or low) effect the devastation of a hurricane?
If hurricane happens the time during High tide, high water level would cause the hurricane more powerful. If it happens in the time of low tide, hurricane would be weaker.
3.       If an area is fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area?
A fully saturated area would have more impact from hurricane. Because the ground would be more soft which is can cause more damage.
4.       How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams?
Groundwater saturation would cause high water level of river and streams which is can cause flooding.

1.       What is something that you liked about this Mini-project?
The most interesting thing for me is research.
2.       What was difficult for you on the project?
The most difficult thing for me is the five paragraphs.
3.       What would you change about your work on this project?
I will not to be absent next time.
4.       How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
I learned what cause hurricane.